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Sometimes I write ...

Sometimes I write - Those wordless poems, That don't rhyme. Those story-less stories, That make no sense. These idiotic blog posts, That serve no purpose. Just that sometimes, I think that I should, Let the world know, That I exist.

Another small interview

Please check out my interview @ Techgoss magazine And, in case you have manged/ happened to read the book, I would like to see a review on your  blog/ flipkart ! Thanks!

The story theory

Every two people have some story linking them. Their story can be explained by the equation: Story = S * p(1)*p(2)/ r^2, where S = story coefficient, p(i) = expressed traits of person i, and r = similarity coefficient between persons (value range = 0-1) Above are qualitative parameters. (PS - Please don't beat me up for this)

The parrot

"You shall have your freedom", Said the generous master, As he opened the cage. The parrot was delighted, As he suppressed his joy, And controlled his rage, For so long he had wished, To be free and be Up in the sky. At last his chance had come, And towards his destiny, He shall fly. And then the realization dawned, That his wings were clipped, How shall now he even try?

Happy New Year

Ten years ago, somewhere around this time I was preparing for the biggest thing in my life. That was the make or break thing for me. HSC, they said was the biggest thing in life, or at least so it seemed. For me (and probably many others) it was the end of the world. Probably most of us didn't have a clarity of what we wanted in life (and many of us are still clueless!) but we nevertheless marched ahead in the pursuit of our destiny, Little did I know that it was just the starting point of the "challenges" to follow. From the cocooned shelter, it was now a wild ocean out there - sometimes calm and often turbulent. Maybe, a lot many of us are still afloat, not without our fair share of bruises and injuries though! I often wonder, what was the difference between me then and now ? Some might say, there a sea change in everything about me. Some would vouch for the fact that I haven't changed for good, while probably a lot many others would say, I am as useless and h

Word List

Tried out making a list/ cloud/ whatever of words I used often in my blog. This was the result ! ( )

That old man in the train

"This place seems haunted", said the voice. It was half past midnight and I was the only other person in the compartment of the local train. I was completely drenched and on the verge of catching cold. But that was least of my concerns. I just wanted to reach home safely. The train stopped on the bridge due to power failure and the place was engulfed in darkness.  The only sound I could hear was that of incessant rains.The only other person was an old man, probably in his 80s or 90s, or maybe even 100. "Yeah. It looks so.", I replied indifferently while shuffling songs on my ipod. "Maybe, there are ghosts around", he said. "It surely is scary, and we seem stranded in the middle of nowhere", I replied trying to hide my fear. "Do you believe in ghosts?", he asked. "No. I don't", I replied, with a gentle laughter. "Ah! This current generation doiesn't seem to believe in anything", he replied while

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