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A run against time

And I found myself running ... Running really fast, unfazed by the drizzle, for there was a lot at stake. Few moments ago I was walking briskly. But I soon realized that I was running against time. There was a train to catch. It would probably have gone by now.  Or maybe not. Maybe, there was still a chance and it was the last chance I had. If only I could make it to the station in the next minute. I could hear the sound of the train. Its gentle whistle, announcing that it was ready to move ahead. But I was nearby. If only I could tell it to wait for me for a minute. I sped past the small station building. It was not crowded. And then I was on the platform to see the train leaving. I ran in the direction of the train. The train was still chugging slowly. If I could run fast enough, I could probably manage to catch it.  I gathered all my energy and started running. I was sweating and panting all along. But catching the train was really important. It was ...

Power corrupts ?

Random thought - As the saying goes - Power Corrupts. But isn't the opposite more valid ? Without being corrupt you cannot get power ? And with power  I mean - political, economic, social ... everything And maybe, "corrupt" includes a milder form also - "manipulative" What do you think ? Or maybe, there are few exceptions ...

sarcasm(?) dictionary

(This is not a complete generalization, but almost ...) - Individuality - Attributes that define a person, usually supposed to be similar to the attributes of "others". - 100% chance - Any event whose probability is >50%. In case of >75% probability, it is defined as 110%. - Interesting person - Any person whose interests are similar to yours.    Boring person - Any person whose interests are different from yours. - God - A "tool' necessary to do unethical/ immoral/ evil things with impunity. Also a good way of keping people in your "control". - Ethics -Good to say about, bad to practice; even the ones preaching it probably won't like you to practice it. Of course it is acceptable, thanks to a recourse found in the above mentioned definition. -Freedom of expression - Freedom to say what you like to say, as long as it is what the listener wants to hear. - Creativity - The art of mimicking others with near-perfection. (incomplet...

Somewhere @ Nowhere - 32

I now have so many copies of my book ... Wondering what to do about it Options - 1. Gift it to people (Of course!) ... People in and around Mumbai can get it from me! (Outside, it'll give rise to logistical issues!) 2. Gift copies to vendors outside Vashi and other railway stations! Any other ideas ? Would love to hear from you (whoever read this blog; maybe you can drop me a line!) By the way, You can order it from - Flipkart Pustak Mahal Infibeam Indiaplaza Amazon Kindle And join the Facebook community HERE

Who am I ? (Part 2)

Once again I wonder, Who am I ? Someone, somewhere, Just another guy? A dreamy explorer, or An exploring dreamer; Or sitting motionless like A disinterested viewer? Like a flowing river, Charting its own course, Or a stagnating pond, Choking at its source? Like those high mountains, Kissing the infinite sky, Or those large stretches of land, Endless and dry? Or a resident of two worlds - Each with its own ordeal One world uninhabitable, The other one unreal?

Creatively Challenged

I stare blankly at the computer screen. Somewhere deep within I feel a pinch, I hope to unlazify my grey cells But they refuse to budge an inch. Then I look within myself again And search for that source of humor, Which was there once, I believe And wonder if it was just a rumor! And to find a story somewhere, I hope In the faces of people I look around Each of them has a tale to tell. But nowhere are my instincts found. I stare deep inside within me, And all I can find there - Is a soul stuck in a time warp, And a big void everywhere.

Somewhere @ Nowhere - The Book

Finally ... The book is out ... It is available at -  (Flipkart)  (Pustak Mahal) Do grab your copy soon, in case you haven't already :) It will be in Crosswords and Landmarks in some time (maybe some time later this month) 32.

Who am I ?

Who am I - A frog in a well who wonders, That this is the best place, And asks if the ocean is any better? Or a deer in the forest that knows, That it has but limited control Over his the fate that awaits? Or a bird soaring up in the sky With the world as its playground And dreaming to soar even higher? I wonder ... Is there is a different answer for What I am and What I want to be?

Where is that world?

Where is that world, That I once thought I would make With my dreams, That kept me awake. With my thoughts And that fire within. And those crumbs of motivation Igniting the will to do something. And that thing resembling faith Placed high up there, And when I look around I find it nowhere. All that remains is just a void That world there is no more, That utopia exists no longer, It is now just an eyesore.

Cover Page - Somewhere @ Nowhere

Finally ... The new cover page of my book ... Hoping things get rolling soon and it is out Maybe sometime next month Super Excited, though it might be a bit far fetched ! (... and wondering how to manage promotion on a shoestring ... er... zero budget!) BTW ... Do join the Facebook group & follow me on twitter (links on the sidebar) (self promotion!)

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