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Somewhere @ Nowhere - The Book

Finally ... The book is out ... It is available at -  (Flipkart)  (Pustak Mahal) Do grab your copy soon, in case you haven't already :) It will be in Crosswords and Landmarks in some time (maybe some time later this month) 32.

Who am I ?

Who am I - A frog in a well who wonders, That this is the best place, And asks if the ocean is any better? Or a deer in the forest that knows, That it has but limited control Over his the fate that awaits? Or a bird soaring up in the sky With the world as its playground And dreaming to soar even higher? I wonder ... Is there is a different answer for What I am and What I want to be?

Where is that world?

Where is that world, That I once thought I would make With my dreams, That kept me awake. With my thoughts And that fire within. And those crumbs of motivation Igniting the will to do something. And that thing resembling faith Placed high up there, And when I look around I find it nowhere. All that remains is just a void That world there is no more, That utopia exists no longer, It is now just an eyesore.

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