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Creatively Challenged

I stare blankly at the computer screen. Somewhere deep within I feel a pinch, I hope to unlazify my grey cells But they refuse to budge an inch. Then I look within myself again And search for that source of humor, Which was there once, I believe And wonder if it was just a rumor! And to find a story somewhere, I hope In the faces of people I look around Each of them has a tale to tell. But nowhere are my instincts found. I stare deep inside within me, And all I can find there - Is a soul stuck in a time warp, And a big void everywhere.

Somewhere @ Nowhere - The Book

Finally ... The book is out ... It is available at -  (Flipkart)  (Pustak Mahal) Do grab your copy soon, in case you haven't already :) It will be in Crosswords and Landmarks in some time (maybe some time later this month) 32.

Who am I ?

Who am I - A frog in a well who wonders, That this is the best place, And asks if the ocean is any better? Or a deer in the forest that knows, That it has but limited control Over his the fate that awaits? Or a bird soaring up in the sky With the world as its playground And dreaming to soar even higher? I wonder ... Is there is a different answer for What I am and What I want to be?

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