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Assorted Random Semi-Verses

Memories Isn't every memory a magic? Making you lose the sense of time. Which is so much beyond the realm of logic. Though sometimes they are mere illusions But they keep coming back to you, And make you feel nostalgic! ___ The Dark Side With every talent comes a curse, From every gift speaks a caveat aloud, Even the beautiful moon has a dark side, And every silver lining has a cloud! ___ The Race Somewhere in this race, Some time during the run, I lost myself in between, And forgot to have fun. ____ I write ... I sometimes write random words, Which hardly make any sense; But I just felt that you should know, That in some corner of this little world, I do have a little presence!

Sometimes I write ...

Sometimes I write - Those wordless poems, That don't rhyme. Those story-less stories, That make no sense. These idiotic blog posts, That serve no purpose. Just that sometimes, I think that I should, Let the world know, That I exist.

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