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Showing posts from August, 2010

Where is that world?

Where is that world, That I once thought I would make With my dreams, That kept me awake. With my thoughts And that fire within. And those crumbs of motivation Igniting the will to do something. And that thing resembling faith Placed high up there, And when I look around I find it nowhere. All that remains is just a void That world there is no more, That utopia exists no longer, It is now just an eyesore.

Cover Page - Somewhere @ Nowhere

Finally ... The new cover page of my book ... Hoping things get rolling soon and it is out Maybe sometime next month Super Excited, though it might be a bit far fetched ! (... and wondering how to manage promotion on a shoestring ... er... zero budget!) BTW ... Do join the Facebook group & follow me on twitter (links on the sidebar) (self promotion!)

Random Current Affairs

Of late, I have been blogging very infrequently (and most of it is about me "not blogging" ... so in real terms I have been blogging more infrequently than it appears to be) Maybe, I thought that I can jot down few random points about random happenings around me - - I loved the movie - "Inception". I am increasingly tempted to believe that life is just a dream within a dream! Maybe, that this world is my totem and that it goes on continuously, is a proof that life is a dream. - I watched Udaan (all alone!). Loved the movie.   Few points (apart from plot, performances, narration etc) that added to this liking are -   music that gels with the pace and theme of the movie (including "motu master" song), poems (especially "joote kahan utaare the" - have copy pasted it below in Appendix -1), realistic settings (un-karan joharish sets) etc. I would love to call it a "Taare Zameen Par" for teenagers. - The "w" key of my lap...

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