"I want to save money and then travel the world" "I want to live life in the hills, without any worries" "I want to follow my passion, but my finances worry me" "I want to join an NGO and work pro bono, but I need to secure my family's financial life" What is the underlying thread connecting the above? One of the possible answers is - the need for financial independence. One hears the term - "financial independence" not too infrequently these days, and this is often used very loosely. There are lot of people aspiring for it - some with all seriousness, some with half baked approach, many others with academic disinterest. And it is often uttered in the same breath as talking about home loans, car loans, personal loans etc. How do you define financial independence? It can have different meanings for different people. But the underlying theme in all of these is reaching the level of wealth where investments will be suffi...
I write little bit about miscellaneous topics. Ranging from personal finance to short stories to poems to random musings!