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Random Birthday thoughts

As I would have cribbed @ 1000000000 words per day, I am currently at a place called Jhunjhunu where I have no social life to speak of, internet is the only thing that keeps me going, apart from few random movies or episodes of Seinfeld. So prospects of celebrating birthday in this solitary confinement are not that exciting! Too add to that, as I switched on my laptop yesterday night, I realized that it had conked off and is showing fan error as the reason. For me this was the end of world. And I knew not how would I survive! I hoped the issue will get sorted out in a week but it is too much to ask in this small town and this time period seemed to be an extremely optimistic guess. My birthday eve and early morning were spent on developing strategies on how to get it repaired. I couldn't find any IBM authorized dealer here, and I would have needed to send it to Delhi. There were two options - first was about sending it as a parcel to one of my friends at IBM , either directly or i

My dear laptop :(

This is an extremely sad post. In my previous post I mentioned being passionate about staying well connected. As I am currently at a place called Jhunjhunu where I have no social life to speak of, internet is the only thing that keeps me going, apart from few random movies or episodes of Seinfeld. And recently, as I switched on my laptop I realized that it has conked off and is showing fan error as the reason. For me this is the end of world. And I know not how will I survive :( ... I hope the issue will get sorted out in a week but it is too much to ask in this small town and this time period seems to be an extremely optimistic guess:(

8 Things ...

Tagged by Sheetal Here goes my various '8 things list' 8 Things I’m passionate about: 1. Movies [Watching, analyzing, related trivia, boring people with all useless related gyaan, movie trailers etc.] 2. Reading [Newspapers (especially editorials), fiction, nonfiction etc.] 3. Religion [Rather lack of it] 4. Food [I proudly proclaim that I live to eat] 5. Freedom 6. Bakar [ This includes cracking PJs] 7. Geography [as a child I used to read and analyze maps. I can still boast about being ‘awesome’ in this. In fact, some people have been surprised by the fact that I know lot about the places which might otherwise be relatively unheard of outside the region] 8. Staying connected [Includes chatting, blogging, random time pass on internet etc. I now access internet even while travelling in a bus, through my cellphone, something unthinkable few years ago!] 8 Things I want to do before I die: 1. Travel extensively across the world. 2. Write 2 books – 1 fiction and

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