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The sea and the infinite

Standing at the shore I stare at the infinite. Numb of all the senses Of the wrong, and the right. I am there at the moment yet It seems like it has been forever. I feel crashing upon my senses The past present and future together. Up there near the horizon I saw a ray of fading light. It went away like that fleeting glory And disappeared as came the night. All I can see is The sea and the wave, And all I can think is I was so, so naive.

New year resolutions

Ah! It's that time of the year once again !! Wish you a very happy new year. I was just wondering about the alternatives for new year resolutions but chucking them out nevertheless ... ... but on second thoughts, some might be worth considering ... Some random thoughts - Resolution 1 - To find out what is the purpose of life, universe and everything and come up with a non "32" or "42" answer ... but isn't this what I am trying to do the whole of last decade ?? Resolution 2 - Continue keeping the 1024 * 2048 resolution (similar to RM's) ... but as things get hazier, it is likely to be broken ... Resolution 3 - Be myself ... I always promise so ... every year without fail ... and fail ... Resolution 4 - Write a book - Fiction to be precise (even if it sells 10 copies, 5 purchased by me :) WIP ... Coming soon ... (Well ... maybe, sometime in near or late future ... but definitely in this decade!) Resolution 5 - Travel ... Travel ... travel ... Explore ...

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