These days almost every TV channel has its own talent hunt show, inspired by Indian Idol, showcasing judgement and other talent of of who is who of the music industry. Some of them even managed to have warring personalities like Annu Malik and Alisha Chinoy to share the same dais.
"Man's mind , once stretched by a new idea , never regains its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Just wondering, what is the worst non-fatal, non-demeaning thing you can do to a person? Surely, one of them is allowing him/ her to explore things so that forms his opinions and ideas about things, and then exercise control (& not just give opinions) on what he should think, what he should deem as right or wrong & what he should do . Barbaric it may sound but probably allowing him to remain ignorant may be a better option . What say?
U know what, I wrote a post on the same thing yesterday...But I guess, these shows are fun to watch :)
ReplyDeleteYeah ... often they r fun to watch , esp when u have likes of Himesh going gr8 guns !
ReplyDeleteBut eventually it becomes a bit irritating with people deviating from singing and indulging in emotional showbaazi to get sm brownie points.