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Why study ?

Philosophical it may sound, but was just wondering what is the purpose of education?

a. Get good jobs, a good status in society so that you can flaunt your status, and leverage that to maximum.
b. Get a good jobs, and follow the 'pre-existing' model of things good and bad without questioning and think as you are ordained to by these models.
c. Make your own judgments of what is wrong and right, make your own decisions and apply a rational thought process.

Or anything else ?

I think it is a combination of (a) and (b).


  1. When I was young, I used to ask the same question and my grandpa used to say and he still says" We study for our development.." But after reading your post, I started thinking, does studying, really makes you a better person in terms of your decision of right ad wrong... I guess, there are lot many things, which make one mature...Study is just one of them... But I don't agree, that we study only for a good job...So many people study, becuase of their passion or their ambition... So many people actually enjoy studying...
    I think, this comment cud have very well have been a blog ;)

  2. Yeah ... True!

    Few points/ clarifications/ justification -

    Studies is just a subset of education, although I think, at times we have a tendency to use both interchangeably.

    Yeah, I personally don't at all believe that we study only for a job, but looking around me, at times I sense that many of us are studying for a job and its effects, and many people expect us to study for the same reason
    (as option (a) and (b) mentioned in the post!!!)

  3. Education is a huge term that encompasses so many other things and u rightly said(in fact typed)that studies is just a subset of it...
    I have seen people, for whom studying is a passion...They don't study for marks or job or recognition...However philosophical it sounds, but they study for quest of knowledge...But agreed, most of the people study for option (a) or(b), as mentioned in the post...

  4. I think the purpose of education is to only make you "aware" of what is and what is not!

    Rest all is a consequence of the same!


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