Any one with even an iota of interest in personal finance & its workings would probably know that credit card debts and personal loans are usually the worst kinds of debt traps that you can fall into. Yet many people fall into that trap again and again. Many people do come out of it eventually but some don't & this becomes a part of their "lifestyle". That you are eventually paying much more than you need to, if you default on credit card payments intentionally or unintentionally (probably @ 36 % per annum or something similar) or take a personal loan (say, @ 12% per annum or so) is not hard to fathom. However behind these numbers, there may be even a deeper story - that usually that of not having control over expenses or not having created a buffer amount. While there may be some pressing need like unplanned or recurring medical expenses which fuels sudden demand of money or an unexpected job loss, in many other cases this need may be fueled by lack of plani...
I write little bit about miscellaneous topics. Ranging from personal finance to short stories to poems to random musings!
I don't think that you quite grasped what the word 'Intelligence' means, in context of Govt. Departments, that is - and this is quite surprising given the fact that you are a grown up guy, rather than being a disgruntled teenager!
ReplyDeleteThese are the branches that most of the public service departments of the GOI have. Their job is to provide & receive covert intelligence reports which act as a pre-warning against any form of malicious activity against the concerned department(railways, in this case)- be it sabotage, or an impending terrorist strike. It is manned by a hand picked lot and presided by high ranking IPS & Railway Security Force officials.
And if your superficial post was a rant against the 'inefficiency' of such branches(which is a favourite past time for most of the young Indians), always remember that for every strike encountered, there are at leat a hundred strikes neutralized, more often than not by the same 'Special Branch Intelligence' you so stupidly mocked.