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Showing posts with the label Random

Just aise hi ...

That lady was probably in her early 30s, seemed like a resident of a well off locality, probably wife of some well off businessman in the town. (SEC A type, in marketing jargon!) . She seemed to be coming after a shopping spree, although calling it a 'spree' would be an exaggeration, as all he had was a small bag. It seemed that she could not get a car that day and hence decided to take a rickshaw to her way back home. "Ae rickshaw" , she blurted After some negotiations, the elderly rickshaw-waalah obliged, and she kept calling that person as "rickshaw" ! I was just reminded of a sequence from movie Lage Raho Munnabhai where Gandhiji says - "If you want to judge a person, observe how he behaves with a person having a lower standing than him" !!! I smiled, nodded my head once and went ahead !

On koolness, Phonyness, Holden Caulfields etc. and all

This is one more post with nothing in particular. It was just that I was feeling like writing something crappy as no one was listening to me. I was watching a movie, not studying, was in a mood to do nothing in particular, getting bored and all that stuff. Actually I was browsing through people’s Orkut profiles. They have written such a nice bunch of krap. I mean all sounded so unreal, so phony. I mean, every second guy is a cool guy. That I must have seen million times by now. This all scares hell out of me. I mean I don’t say that I am someone great or someone like Howard Roark or John Galt, nor I can be. I don’t have such great ideals or morality or any such krappy stuff. But it all sounds so unreal and millions tonnes of aaattitude and exhaggerations thrown in. Dude … they are so arrogant. I mean, they are such idiots that they think that only they are the only human beings on earth, and others are just crappy combination of cranky bones and muscles. And all those artificial and c

I feel like ...

A wierd kind of feeling has been making me feel wierd since few hours. I wish to sleep, I long for it after a tiring day, yet I decide against it for some time. I longed for wi-fi connectivity in my laptop, but am not feeling like using it. I felt like spending hours in air conditioned library and computer centre of institute, but am spending time in hot and humid weather. I feel like having a nice stroll, yet my will powerfails me after pain in my legs after a round of partly unsuccessful atempt at jogging. I wish to finish up some long pending tasks, but feel like leaving it up to 'tomorrow'. I long for solitude to spend time with myself, yet the silence seems too be so deafening. I long to converse to some friends, but then for no reason I feel like not troubling them with my blabbering. I wish to write something endlessly, but words words fail me.

A brief theory of Sleep

“Oops … I overslept” “I am going to catch on with some sleep” How often we do we heat these words! Sleep is one thing that often eludes us when we need it the most, and is always there to greet us when we least want this bug to hit us. This result can be derived by applying Murphy’s Law to sleep. Similarly, applying Parkinson’s Law, “All the possible post-activity time available is filled with sleep”. This may hold true even if the available time is as high as 16 hours. Most of the oversleeping occurs when we desire it the least, and have some important task lined up immediately after the ‘brief sleep’, which we miss because our sleep ends up not being brief. For the sleep to be sufficient, it has to be for optimum time. This optimum time may vary from person to person. If you sleep less than the optimum time, then you will feel sleepy due to lack of proper sleep, while if you sleep more than this, you get trapped in the vicious cycle of sleep and thus continue to sleep more or feel sl

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