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All in the name of journalism

The paparazzi seems to goes frenzy over any thing pertaining to the rich and the famous, and more so if they happen to be a cinema star.

Just the other day I was browsing through a website which described Brad Pitt and Anjelina Jolie’s Indian trip. They even had the detailed description of their local train journey in Mumbai and Pune trip.

Now I know that they had an auto-rickshaw ride in Pune

They visited the Gateway of India

Anjelina had a local train ride (in second class compartment) from Charni Road to Churchgate.

And she was wearing a T- shirt and a cargo pant.

And she even brought train tickets (now beat that!).

She bought some peanuts and mentos at Marine lines station.

This is one of the sample news items, but such type of news galore like an actor planning to quit smoking since years, or someone having an hour of daily workout, or the diet of an actress and blah blah.

Just take the example of the times of India and with all the kind of chatpata, masaaledar news, sleaze, rumours etc. Or any other newspaper or website or TV show who give various useless tidbits of information about who is seeing whom, or who is eating what, or a flawless GPS or telescreen like thing by which they know who is where at any given instant, who is doing what and several whys for that, or who is saying what about whom any why, and millions of other accusations, revelations and theories about any celebrity.

Despite criticizing all these I love watching them all!


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